Your jewelry needs care to stay as it was when you bought it. Daily wear, air pollution and dust affect the luster of your jewelry and stones. In particular for your silver, brass or steel jewelry, you must keep in mind that the color of the metal (gold, silver, rose gold, black matte, black glossy) is created after plating with the corresponding material. This means that if you want your jewelry to be preserved for a long time in its original state, you should follow some small secrets:

  • Avoid keeping all your jewelery together in one box as there is a chance of them getting scratched or mixed up. It is preferable to store them in cloth cases (eg in their packaging) each one separately and away from the sun.
  • Do not use perfumes, lacquers, detergents, chemical products after wearing the jewelry.
  • Take off the jewelry when you wash, when you bathe in the sea or in the pool.
  • Wipe your jewelry now and then with a flannel cloth.

In case your favorite piece of jewelry wears out, we are always here to repair it for you and make it look like new. Contact us by phone at 2231023216 or by e-mail at and we will be happy to serve you.